Dane Sanctuary Coalition

Our Mission

Based on our shared faith commitments to social justice, we assist vulnerable immigrant and refugee communities. We do this, under the leadership of Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice and in collaboration with Voces de la Frontera and Centro Hispano, by providing and supporting physical sanctuary when needed. We also provide a conduit for information, education, and trainings on related social justice actions.

About Us

On July 7, 2017, a consortium of congregations and organizations announced the formation of the Dane Sanctuary Coalition. Formed in partnership with Voces de la Frontera and Centro Hispano of Madison, the Dane Sanctuary Coalition provides physical sanctuary to our immigrant friends and neighbors who are at risk for deportation. We do this as part of the national New Sanctuary Movement. We also provide a conduit for information, education, and trainings on related social justice actions.

The Dane Sanctuary Coalition has been created in response to immoral immigration policies that threaten families, instill fear in our communities, and violate the most basic ethical standards all our faith traditions teach – that we are all created in the image of God, endowed with inherent worth and dignity, and deserving of a life free of violence and deprivation.

We are in service to all persons and communities in need, regardless of language, ethnicity, or cultural/gendered identity.

DSC Steering Committee

  • Matthew Kendziera
    Executive Director
    Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
  • Reverend Leslie Schenk
    Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
  • Joyce Anderson
    Madison Christian Community
    (Advent Lutheran Church & Community of Hope UCC)
  • Rev. Kelly Weisman Asprooth-Jackson
    First Unitarian Society
  • Rev. Julia Burkey
    Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ
  • Ruthanne Landsness
    Orchard Ridge United Church of Christ &
    Madison Mennonite Congregation
  • Karen Menéndez Coller
    Executive Director
    Centro Hispano
  • Christine Neumann-Ortiz
    Executive Director
    Voces de la Frontera
  • Leila Pine
    James Reeb Unitarian Universalist Congregation
    and support congregations
  • Nindik Velásquez
    Voces de la Frontera

Background photo courtesy of Ben White on Unsplash

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